
GTD with Google Docs

I meant to write this post about three years ago after I first set this up. But I never did! I mentioned that I use a Google Docs presentation for tracking projects (in the Getting Thing Done sense) on Twitter last week, but pretty much left it at that. Today I got a request to share this presentation, so I thought I would give a little context for it.

Getting Things Done requires a list of projects of various types. The basic set up is described in Getting Things Done, and really expanded upon in Making Things Work. I won’t go into it all here, as there are many better explanations available online. The question left unanswered by everyone is what is the best solution for me, personally? That is because the internet isn’t psychic, silly. You need to ask a librarian for that.

I like Remember the Milk for my daily tasks, but it’s not so good at the weekly review portion of Getting Things Done. I mean it probably could be, but I get too distracted by all the tasks and lists. So I created this presentation to just focus on one section at a time. I’ve edited out most of my more personal information, but left some of the things to get an idea of what I think about. The Personal Workflow Model is the best of all possible worlds scenario. Yes, I should follow that, but I rarely do to the letter. Still, it’s helpful to think about.

Let me know what you think!

Getting Things Done Method Lists

Works Cited

Allen, David. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. Penguin, 2002.
Allen, David. Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life. Viking, 2008.