It’s taken long enough, but my portfolio is done in its infant form. I need to add more content to this, but of course the more time I spend actually doing things, the less time I have to add those things to my portfolio. If you have thoughts or comments, please let me know.
Other than that, the Annoyed Librarian wrote a blog post which eerily mirrors my recent post on retirements. Well, it’s not that eerie, since it’s one of the AL’s favorite rants. I don’t think that most young librarians (or at least new librarians, since many people in library school aren’t that young) really think that all librarians over a certain age should quit. I don’t even think that some librarians who have been known to say that really think it. I think that things are a lot more interesting when the “digital natives” and the “digital migrants” get together, which I say as someone who has been online since the age of 8 or 9 and only got a Twitter account this week. No matter your age or skill level, some things will be more interesting and easier than others. And, to end on a cheery note, we’ll all be irrelevant someday!