
Some Web 2.0 love

In case you didn’t see it in the comments on yesterday’s post, Andromeda Yelton made an interactive version of my library Madlib . I am guessing she found out about it from Twitter, via social networks created by a combo of web 2.0 and humanity 1.0.

Speaking of that, this week will, hopefully, be the week that I get some stuff figured out about the Chicago Underground Library website, including some actual social network/media strategies, how to stop getting inexplicable error messages, and how to not say naughty things in French. Nell and I are presenting our latest iteration at Code4Lib 2011 next month, but there are way too many loose ends that I (and probably no one else) sees for comfort. Not to mention that the eagle eyed library coders will spot some, ahem, kludges.

In one final, and unrelated note, I had exactly one social media new year’s resolution which I have broken about a million times in the last two weeks. But I have done so well at my professional development and personal fitness resolutions that I won’t worry about poor self-control in a relatively harmless realm. After all, we humans have finite willpower. Thanks, science!


Ridiculous Library Article Madlib

I’ve had it up to here with articles like this. Toby (aka @theanalogdivide) suggested that someone make a Madlib of this type of article. With more time I am sure this could be better, but I think it gets that the basic idea.

_______________ (Insert city and state)– In the age of _______________ (technology catchphrase/social media trend), libraries must adapt to stay relevant. ______________ (old timey girl’s name) ______________ (Irish writer’s last name) is part of a movement of young librarians who think libraries should offer more _______________ (insert leisure activity) for their patrons. “Libraries should be more like ______________ (insert technology company name).”

________________(same Irish writer) is no stranger to novelty herself. Wearing ________________ (type of shoe) and sporting __________________ (a color) hair, she is more like a member of _________________ (outré 90s band) than the type of librarian you might remember growing up. “Libraries aren’t just places for ________________ (type of print media) anymore. Libraries also have ___________________ (type of business, plural) and online ________________ (genre of art).”

Will libraries survive once everything is online? “Yes,” says _______________ (same Irish writer), “but only if they update their images. If I as a young, attractive person can help do that, it will make my ______________________ (large number) dollars of student loans all worth it.”


Homemade bagel recipe

For everyone who’s asked, this is the bagel recipe I use. I don’t really know who this guy is, but the recipe has plenty of detail that suggests long practice.

When I follow this recipe to the letter I have been successful. It takes about an hour and a half. Last time I made these I made the dough the night before and stuck it in the fridge, but this is only because I didn’t want to wake up early enough to do it in the morning. In that case the dough was probably too fluffy–normally you want it kind of dense. I also have substituted whole wheat flour for much of the flour, but in this case you will have to add extra water and recognize the texture will be different. Two tips: oil the baking sheet more than you think you need to, and I would highly recommend a spider for pulling the bagels out of the water.

Is it worth it to make your own bagels at home rather than getting them from a bakery? I would say yes, as it’s difficult to find really good bagels most places, and you can easily make real ones at home, unlike homemade baguettes or similar. Also this keeps them the sometimes food they ought to be.